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Hallucination... silvery fish frolicking in the Mediterranean Sea, I tasting salt not sure from my sweat, or the sea water, or that fish... blame the long winter! So I put my vision into action. Baked a pizza with sardine and olive, added a top crust too, yes, I want two suns for now!


  • Pizza dough
  • 6 - 8 sardine from can
  • small handful black olive (avoid the big ones from California), sliced
  • spoonfuls tomato sauce
  • spoonfuls ricotta cheese
  • a few feta cubes
  • spoonfuls capers
  • rosemary leaves
  • iodized coarse salt
  • Extra virgin olive oil


  • Place a baking stone in oven, preheat oven 475F for at least half an hour
  • Stretch two pizza doughs. Take out one, spread tomato sauce, fish, olives, two cheeses. Lay the other piece of dough over it, crimp the edge. Drizzle evoo all over, spread capers, rosemary leaves and a bit of coarse salt
  • Bake until golden brown, I didn't time it, probably take 20 minutes or so.

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