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There was a little shake in the comment section after I posted a recipe of basic pasta dough quite a while ago, it calls for a bit of milk.

More classic more basic, more ... controversial? Like pizza, rice or artisan bread, tender food but iron rule?

Back to that pasta recipe, in fact, it was based on one's written by an Italian lady living in Italy. Rule is meant to be broke.

So this ravioli I prepared today, may not be traditional, at least it is seasonal, my another element in enjoyable cooking.

Let's talk about how we steam the jasmine rice to wrap up. Learnt from some Chinese mothers, I mix a spoonful (mild) cooking oil into the water and grains when I have a mood for a bowl of glossy and lucious rice. Mamas sometime go wild you know :)

Any soft-ripen fresh cheese, made from goat's or cow's milk, with a tangy taste is a good choice for this recipe. Please drain the cheese very well before use, and better cook the ravioli as soon as after they're made.

Recipe of home-made ravioli

I halve this egg pasta recipe, it yields 20 - 24 ravioli, encough for 4 persons as first course, or 2 persons as substancial main course.

And I added in one tablespoon of fine samolina to give the ravioli a rustic look.

Recipe of fruit-n-herb infused butter sauce

  • 6 small green figs, not over-rippen, sliced
  • 10 red grapes, halved
  • thyme leaves from 2 spigs
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • a good dash of fruity white wine
  • a dash of lemon juice
  • a pinch of sea salt
  • extra-virgin olive oil, with fruity aroma preferable
  • edible and organic flower as garnish

Cook the ravioli.

When the ravioli almost done, start to heat up a large skillet. Add butter, sautee the grapes over medium/ medium-low heat for 1 minute, then add figs and thyme. Raise up the heat a bit if necessary, add a good dash of wine, toss in (cook and drain) ravioli. Season it with salt and lemon juice.

Place the ravioli on a serving plate, drizzle some ev olive oil, garnish with flower. Serve immediately.

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